Please post comments or edit directly. This starts out as an outline, but I hope we can turn it into a script. Two high points, maybe two half hour episodes.
Opening credits... J and Kieran are on the phone, with Kieran in the snack bar kitchen. Camera cuts back and forth to show Kieran distracted and cooking, and J with Mimi.. details lead audience to believe that Mimi and J are plotting, and that this dinner party is not really for the reasons they are giving Kieran.
Cut to follow up phone calls and discussions over some days. Kieran knows day, time, the couple it is ostensibly for, and where it supposedly is.
Cut to Mimi sending out invitiations for a surprise birthday party for Kieran.
The Day:
Kieran shows up very early in the morning to wait for his bread delivery, which is late. Kieran is growing angry and agitated. Bread finally arrives. Kieran is irate.
Hordes of kids descend on SSA. They pester and annoy Kieran who is working on his masterpiece in the kitchen.
Another discussion between J and Kieran. J wants to pick up the food, not have it delivered. Kieran is frustrated, confused, more irate, more annoyed, etc.
J arrives with truck to get food. More arguments. J gets food and leaves. Kirean is borderline.
A kid gets hurt.. distraut parent carries him to picnic table, puts him down, and runs into kitchen asking for ice. Parent has just enough time to blurt out that a kid is badly hurt before ...
Kieran turns to him and screams, "Get the F##I$#!!! OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!!"
good time for a commercial.
Now building to second highlight...
Kieran is on phone to J explaining that he is following to J's house. J takes obvious turn not going to J's house. Kieran stuck in traffic. Phone rings, Mimi on phone wants Kieran to come home now. Cut to Shea house... full of people going "SHHH!" Mimi holding phone away from her ear while Kieran screams out of it.
More calls, finally Kieran agrees.
Drives up the road (Speeding), turns into driveway, opens garage door, sees truck and stops.
Slowly dawns on Kieran. as he walks and then crawls up the steps.
Gets head to the door and looks in.